SONEX Liquidity page enables users to create liquidity positions, provide liquidity to pools, and earn rewards. Follow this step-by-step guide to collect tokens and manage your positions on SONEX.
Last updated
SONEX Liquidity page enables users to create liquidity positions, provide liquidity to pools, and earn rewards. Follow this step-by-step guide to collect tokens and manage your positions on SONEX.
Last updated
Before staking, you must have bridged tokens to Soneium (e.g., ASTR, USDT or one of the other so far listed tokens) and a small amount of ETH to cover gas fees.
Open your web browser and visit the SONEX Liquidity Page:
Ensure you have a stable internet connection and are using a wallet connected to the SONEX mainnet.
Navigate to the Create Position Section:
On the Liquidity Page, locate the New Position button and click it.
Choose the Token Pair:
Select the token pair you want to add liquidity for (e.g., ASTR/USDT).
Set the Price Range:
Define the minimum and maximum price range for your liquidity position.
Use the slider or input fields to adjust the range.
Input Token Amounts:
Enter the amount of each token you want to provide for liquidity.
Ensure you have enough tokens in your wallet to cover the specified amounts otherwise the above message will be shown "Insufficient WETH balance" (in this example, WETH).
Preview the Position:
Review the details of your position, including the expected liquidity and pool share.
Approve Token Usage:
Click Approve for each token to authorize the pool contract to access your tokens.
Confirm the approval transaction in your wallet (a small ETH gas fee will be deducted).
Add Liquidity:
Once tokens are approved, click Preview to create your position.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Wait for Confirmation:
After processing, a confirmation message will appear, and your position will be active in the pool.
View Your Active Positions:
On the Pool Page, navigate to the My Positions section to see all your active liquidity positions.
Check Pool Details:
Review your pool share, earned fees, and current token allocations.
Edit or Remove Position:
To adjust your liquidity or remove your position, use the options available on the Positions page.
Collect Fees:
As your liquidity generates trading fees, you can claim your earned tokens by clicking the Collect button next to your position.
Verify Tokens in Wallet:
After collecting, check your wallet to confirm receipt of the rewards.
Wallet Connection Issues:
Ensure your wallet is on the SONEX mainnet.
Refresh the page and reconnect your wallet, if needed.
Always exercise extra caution when performing trading.
Always ensure you are on the correct and secure SONEX platform website.
By following this guide, you can easily collect tokens and start exploring the SONEX environment!